Discover the magic of Lafont workwear Explore the enchantment of Lafont at Tovari, where we proudly announce our official partnership with Lafont, the specialist in high-quality workwear. Together, our forces […]
Exclusive @ Tovari – Ann Demeulenmeester – Serax
The tableware by Ann Demeulenmeester for Serax – Exclusively available with us! With Dé, the interplay of chiaroscuro, light and shadow, which is so characteristic of Ann Demeulemeester’s style, is […]
Environmentally aware with Figgjo!
Circular production, leave that to Figgjo! Nothing is wasted in the production process. You can read exactly how they do that in this whitepapier !
Happy Birthday to Craft!
WOW! Steelite’s Craft series celebrates its 10th anniversary . Such a beautiful and beloved line. To make this even more fun, they have added a new color, the Raspberry. […]
Environmentally aware with Figgjo!
Circulair produceren, laat dat maar aan Figgjo over! Er wordt niets verspild in het productieproces. Hoe zij dat precies doen lees je het dit whitepapier !
Meet te makers; Figgjo
We’re proud to be able to import such a high-quality brand that has inspired us and so many others. It was great to visit the factory in Norway. We had […]